Some links in the article may not be viewable as you are using an AdBlocker. Select Windows 8.1 64-bit as OS, Microsoft as manufacturer and Surface Pro 3 as model. You can download latest N-trig drivers here. Adobe Photoshop element 12 Version 0925.Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Version CS6.Flash Professional CC Version Studio Debut 9.5 Version 9.5 build 9768.The following list includes applications that were tested and are compatible with N-trig’s Wintab driver: The N-trig’s Wintab middleware is compatible with all of Windows-based devices powered by N-trig’s pen and touch technology, this driver was fully tested with all relevant Wintab test applications. For these programs N-trig released its Wintab middleware software in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. There are some programs that do not support the standard Microsoft HID reports. Our DuoSense Pen is fully compatible with Microsoft HID reports and any application that support the windows pen API should work without any issues. N-trig is constantly working on improving the user experience and adding support for additional features and programs.

The R16 version will be available for download soon. On the launch day of Microsoft Surface Pro 3, N-Trig has released their updated Wintab drivers for Microsoft Surface Pro 3 devices.